01. Assignment
Client needs
We were commissioned to design the visual identity of the Festival Jardins Pedralbes, a summer festival that took place in the city of Barcelona between 2012 and 2022. The festival offered a series of outdoor concerts in a medium sized amphitheater set up for the occasion in a public parc. It also had a village with quality gastronomic offer.
02. Strategy
The approach of Pica
The differentiating factor of the festival was undoubtedly its location: one of Barcelona’s most majestic gardens, both French and English in style, with a romantic touch and very luxuriant. We decided that the visual identity of the festival should highlight these fantastic gardens and the experience of the attendees in this privileged setting.
03. Development
How the project evolves
As we do with Festival Mil·lenni, the graphic line of the festival evolved every year, always maintaining the original guidelines of the project, but using different styles each time, going from vectorial illustration to photographic collages. The constant work allowed the festival to consolidate a powerful and recognizable identity, which however was modified substantially each year.